Whispers of the Flesh is a poignant anthology written by Iranian women residing within Iran, serving as a testament to their resilience, strength, and unwavering spirit. Curated by Iranian-American playwrights and theater makers, Yekta Khaghani and Diana Fathi, this captivating collection of stories delves into the depths of womanhood in Iran, focusing on the intricate relationship Iranian women have with their bodies.

Three plays by order followed by the authors:

“Quasi Kangaroo” by Mojgan Khaleghi
“On Me and the Body” by Niloofar Nedai
“Turquoise Hemlocks” by Sima Mobarak Shahi

These plays were showcased as part of the 'Emruz Festival' program at National Sawdust in New York on April 26th 2024.